Can you use social media to get more people to read your blog?

There is a lot of stuff on the web. There are so many rivals fighting right in front of your eyes that it’s hard to keep up. This is why it’s so important to grow your content, and we’ll show you how to do it.  As a writer or website owner, your goal is to write or make something so amazing and interesting that it brings in lots of people, like a bunch of zombies swarming towards a human post. It doesn’t work that way anymore, though. 

Before search engines came along, it might not have been that hard to get a lot of pure reach. Some estimates say that three million blog posts are released every day. This is why adding more content to your blog has become so popular and important. Here are some ways you can add more to your blog and reach more people: 

1. Write a good title that will draw people in

David Ogilvy, an advertising expert, says, “Five times more people read headlines than they do body copy.” You need to write a good title because that will do most of the work for you. If the title is bad, it doesn’t matter how good the piece is. 

A good rule of thumb for writing headlines that get people’s attention is the “Four U’s”: 

  • Your title must be unique 
  • Your title needs to be very clear
  • Your title should be informative
  • Your title should show how important it is 

2. Paid feeds 

If you can’t get people to see your blog, you can pay Google to put it there. WordStream, a digital marketing company, says that digital marketing has become a “pay to play” business. This is shown by the fact that 42% of blog posts that are properly promoted get less than 10 comments. Think about the problems that a small to medium business must solve. 

Of course, paid search is a good way to bring attention to your business. Even though the business is always changing, Facebook is still very famous, and its advertising system gives more data than ever. 

3. Share already popular and evergreen information 

When a new story comes out, there should be a post about it on social media. Most of the people who follow you won’t care enough to check your site often to see what’s new. Most businesses do this on their own. 

You can share “oldies, but goldies” from the library, which is something most companies don’t do. Having a steady stream of evergreen blog posts is great because it will help your SEO a lot when you can’t share a new article. No matter how many people read your blog, it doesn’t matter if the content isn’t good. To get more people to read your blog, share stories that you think are great. 

4. Invite leaders to talk with you on social media 

When you need help, it’s not a sign of weakness to ask for it. Small and medium-sized businesses could make more money from each post shared by a random person because their marketing budgets are usually smaller. Being involved on social media may take a lot of work, but it can pay off in a big way. Influencers in your market segment may believe you and find your blog content useful if you talk to them and share it with them. 

It not only gets your content in front of more people, but it also lets your business “borrow” some of the power of the expert, which is a benefit that shouldn’t be undervalued. 


Overall, yes, social media can help you spread the word about your blogs. But you should know that being a social media fan is not the only job you can get. Instead, you should focus on the things you need to do to build a blog that people can trust. If you’re just starting out, you can build your blog on a safe shared hosting service.  If you have any questions about this article, please leave them in the comments part below.

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